Three (3) Signs your Child has a Visual Function Difficulties
The three main areas of Visual Function Difficulties are focusing; tracking; teaming.
A: Signs of possible EYE FOCUS problems
- The child complains of blurred vision
- Difficulty shifting focus repeatedly from far to near
- Complains of eyestrain, sore or burning eyes after a time on task
- Complains of headaches
- Excessive rubbing of eyes
- Inattention to visual detail
- Poor reading comprehension, gets worse over time on task
- Excessively tired at end of day
- Head very close to book when reading/writing
- Excessive blinking during visual tasks
- Demonstrates focus difficulties by squinting, peering etc …
- Avoids concentrated visual demands
B: Signs of possible EYE TRACKING problems
- Loses place often when reading/copying
- Skips or re-reads words, letters or lines
- Must use a finger to keep their place
- Poor reading comprehension
- Short attention span
- Moves head excessively when reading
- Moves head excessively when reading
C: Signs of possible EYE TEAMING problems
Covers or closes one eye when reading
Rubs eyes
Complains of eyestrain
Complains of headaches
Complains of words moving/floating on the page
Reading comprehension reduces over time
Clumsy and/or poor ball skills
Unusual head turns/tilt or body posture when reading and/or writing